
The Schoolof Public Administration (SPA) of Guizhou University offers public administration,sociology and political science as its three first-level disciplines that are taught in the five departments: public administration, labor and socialsecurity, land management, political science and sociology. Undergraduate programsinclude Administrative Management, public utility management, labor and socialsecurity, urban administration, land resource management, political andadministration and social work . SPA also offers public administration as afirst-level master’s degree program and 7 second-level master’s degree programsincluding administrative management, social security, education economics andmanagement, land resource management, political theories, sociology anddemography. Two professional master programs -- MPA and MSW -- are also availableat SPA.


The faculty of SPA consists of 74 people, 64 of whom teach undergraduate orgraduate courses. All but only a few have either doctorates or master’sdegrees. SPA’s student body includes 760 graduate students, 867 undergraduatestudents and 4 international students. It has established partnership with anumber of domestic and international higher learning institutions, government institutionsat different level and businesses. Each year, over 6-8 SPA students are sent toZhejiang University, National University of Kaohsiung (Taiwan) for exchange ordegree programs.


    As a very new school of GuizhouUniversity, SPA has been growing rapidly in the past three years. It has beengranted over 20 funds by China’s National Natural Science Foundation andNational Social Science Foundation, five other funds by Ministry of Education,over 20 funds at the provincial level and 40 other funds sponsored by businesses.Some of those projects have helped SPA to win several academic prizes.


Graduates of SPA become professionals in various levels of government institutions and businesses.Despite of its short history, SPA has become an important base for futureleaders in public management and social science.


SPA Undergraduate Degree Programs

1. Administrative Management, 4 years, Bachelor of Arts in Management

2. Urban Administration, 4 years, Bachelor of Arts in Management

3. Laborand Social Security, 4 years, Bachelor of Arts in Management

4. LandResource Management, 4 years, Bachelor of Engineering

5. Political Science and Administration, 4 years, Bachelor of Laws

6. SocialWork, 4 years, Bachelor of Laws

